Over the years, Elysium has been awarded top national honors by the Columbia Scholastic Press and the National Council of Teachers of English (REALM)
CSPA honored Elysium with 7 Crown awards from 2014 -2020.
(the magazines after 2020 also won Crown awards under a new sponsor)
Additionally 47 Coral Reef students have had their art and writing recognized with top Gold Circle Awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.
Click here to see the actual works displayed by year and student.
NCTE awarded Elysium its top honors for 14 years from 2007-2020 through its REALM program (Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines)
In 2006 the NSPA (National Scholastic Press Association) named Elysium a Pacemaker Finalist
in 2015, the State of Florida NCTE recognized Elysium as the top ranking literary magazine in Florida.